Spencer and I competed in a duathlon today for the Hess Cancer Foundation. We did the short course which consisted of a two mile run followed by a ten mile bike followed by another two mile run. WOWZERS! Well we didn't die and I finished in 2:00:08.2 Spencer's bike wheel went flat around the four mile mark and had to walk to the five mile turn around and call my parents to come pick him up. He didn't get to finish the biking but he did run the last leg of the race and came in with a time of 2:04:28.0! I am so glad it's over! I know that we both could have done alot better but I am so proud that we actually did it "together."
Spencer's sister Shannon got home from her mission on Thursday and has her mission homecoming tomorrow. It is one of the few times that Spence and I will be able to go to a regular ward. We are looking forward to having the day off of work and enjoying the Sabbath. We are so glad to have her back home and Abigale just loves having her Aunt Shannon around to play in her kitchen with her!
I hope all is well with everyone! A Special SHOUT OUT to my sister NATALIE...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!