Friday, September 12, 2008


So at my 28 week check up I talked to my midwife and asked if there was anything I could do about the back pain that I have. She said I could do some back exercises and try to get a back support to hold my belly up a little so my low back wouldn't have to do all the work. Well I went and got myself a "pregnancy belt" from Mimi Maternity today. I am telling you, if back pain gradually gets worse with each pregnancy I am DONE!! I have back problems as it is without being prego, so it just increases when I am. Hopefully this belt thing will help because I am dying!! My midwife even went as far as to tell me to stop picking up Abigale and holding her so much. She said that she was too heavy! I looked at her and said, this little girl is 20 lbs with her clothes on! My midwife still thinks that it too much weight for my pregnant back so I have been trying to get Abby to go to other people more often, especially when we are walking around places. She doesn't seem too keen on the idea but we will keep trying. Boy oh boy, I hope that this pregnancy speeds up a little!!!


Val said...

You poor girl! It'll be over before you know it. Abby is such a mama's girl, good luck with that!

Amanda said...

I had to do the same with Sophie. It took a lot of tears on both sides but we finally got it. I used to practice letting her climb up on the couch so I could hold her and teaching her to climb into her highchair and carseat all by herself. Those little things helped my back. Good luck.

The Johnsons said...

Good luck Amy. I know that pregnancy is so hard and definitely a huge sacrifice, but just think of the beautiful little girl that you will have at the end of this. I know that days seem like weeks, but hang in there!!!

Reid and Brittney said...

I am so sorry. That is no fun. I hope the belt helps and that you get feeling better. It is crazy that you are already 28 weeks along, it will be over before you know it. That would be hard for me to not be able to pick up my kids too. Good luck with everything!!!