Thursday, June 30, 2011

This is for you SHANNON...

Here are some sweet videos of the girls singing primary songs for you!


Peter Jones said...

Oh, my! These just melt my heart and make me so sad that you are leaving me for a month. I sure will miss you guys. Also, they both have a ridiculously good sense of pitch.

Peter Jones said...

This is Alicia, by the way. Peter did not log out of his gmail.

Shannon said...

Ha ha. I was thinking that it was semi-weird that Peter was leaving this comment...

Spencer and Amy said...

I always figure it's Alicia when I get comments melts my heart...haha!!

Krista and Kyle said...

That was awesome. I'm very impressed with Abby's knowledge of the Abinadi verse. It is a lot more than I know now, let alone when I was four. They are just so darn cute! And smart!

Alicia said...

Come back! You officially can't move because I am dying without these cute faces!