So a ton has happened since we went from 5 to 6 in our family! Here is a recap since I updated last!
Here are my sweeties at the Zoo! We love the ZOO!
We had a ton of fun at Lagoon this year! The kids rode a lot of rides!!

Then this little boy joined us and SHOOK the place up!! (In a GREAT way!)

He had to spend a little time in the NICU but we all survived!!

A visit from his sisters!
Home at last!
Max couldn't wait to meet his little brother!
The Fourth of July!
Max can be found doing this almost always when Connor is in his reach!

First time going to church!
Loves from brother!
I just die over these church outfits for the girls!! I LOVE THEM!

Silly Abby!
Connor's Blessing Day!
My A-MAZ-ING Husband! Max loved this outfit of Connor's! Everytime he could see him he would say HUT HUT!
Train ride at the zoo!
Tummy time!
Abby before her first soccer game!!
WOW!! My heart is so full! I am so blessed to be a wife and a mother! I know that I didn't plan on my life working out this way but I am so grateful to my Father in Heaven (and my parents!) for helping me realize how wonderful life could be if I just made the choice to LIVE IT! I cannot even begin to express the love I have for my husband Spencer and the WONDERFUL man he is! He is so great to work so hard and support our family so I can stay home with my babies and raise them! I wouldn't have it any other way!!